
Just Married

photo by Pete Meltzer

Once Becky and I were back on our feet from the chair-and-hair-raising portion of the Hora, there was officially nothing left to worry about on our wedding day. Really though, we had a great time from the moment we started with our parents and dogs down the grassy hill at Hartman's to the garden where we had our ceremony. All of the little things we'd worried about just kind of fell into place, and we couldn't have been happier with how things turned out. My chief concern going in, was the friends and relatives we'd invited should have fun, after all the effort they were going through to be with us. Careful examination of the photos we have so far show lots of smiles on faces, and boy did they make us feel like a million well-loved bucks. Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came. The folks at Hartman's commented many times on how sweet, fun and well-mannered our crowd was, and how much love was in the air, and we really felt it too.

There's occasional glimpses of the rings on our fingers that come as a smiling surprise in the middle of an otherwise ordinary afternoon. Also, referring to Bec as 'my wife' is so much cooler and more appropriate than 'my girlfriend whom I live with that I will most certainly marry soon' or 'fiancé'. It was a bit shocking to head straight from the wedding into the start of school, with no honeymoon. But sheesh - I don't know how people manage to plan an elaborate vacation along with all they have to do to make the wedding happen. Hopefully we'll still have one in December/January. We're planning a road trip to the family house down in Sarasota, with a stop somewheres like Savannah or Charleston along the way. Then, much relaxing in the winter sun.

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